Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Trek to Mustang

Mustang District a part of province No. 4 is one of the Seventy Five districts of Nepal. Jomsom is the headquarter of Mustang. It covers an area of 3,573 sq km and has population of 13,452 (2011). Mustang straddles the Himalayas and extends northward onto the Tibetan plateau. Upper Mustang formerlt Lo Kingdom comprises the northern two-thirds of the district. This kingdom was dependency of the Kingdom of Nepal but was abolished by the republican Government of Nepal on OCtober 7, 2008.
Mustang is famous for the springs and villa ge of Muktinath, apples and natural scenic beauty. Mustang was the lost kingdom of Tibet where traditions remain more Tibetan than in Tibet proper following its annexation by China.

The main hydrographic feature of Mustang is the Kali Gandaki River. The river runs southward towards Nepal Terai, bisecting Mustang. Routes paralleling the river once served as a major trade route between Tibet and India, especially for salt. Part of the river valley in the south of Mustang, forms by some measures the deepest gorge in the world. Traditional Mustang (the Lo Kingdom) is 53 km north - south at its longest and 60 km east - west at its widest, and ranges from a low point of 2750 m above sea level to 6700 meters at its highest. Mustang was once an independent kingdom, although closely tied by language and culture to Tibet. From the 15th century to the 17th century, its strategic location granted Mustang control over the trade between the Himalayas and India. At the end of the 18th century the kingdom was annexed by Nepal.
Jomsom has had an airport since 1962 and has become the main tourist entry point since Mustang was opened to western tourism in 1992. Tourism to Upper Mustang is still regulated and foreigners need to obtain a special permit to enter. Most tourists travel by foot over largely the same trade route used in the 15th century. Over a thousand western trekkers now visit each year, with October being the peak month.

A trek to the remote semi-independent Kingdom of Upper Mustang located north of Annpurna on the Tibet border. The Adventure Connexion Company’s group in 2009 were granted an audience with the King of Mustang at his palace in Lo Manthang.

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